‘Ōhi‘a trees are the bedrock of Hawaiian forests. Not only do they provide watershed protection and are a specific critical habitat for many biota, but they are also a critical food source for endemic birds (Friday and Herbert). ‘Ōhi‘a forests grow on the six largest Hawaiian islands: the Big Island, Maui, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Oahu, and Kaua`i. They are a resilient species, tolerant of various conditions such as frost, volcanic gases, and extreme changes in moisture (Friday and Herbert). “ ‘Ōhi‘a trees seed prolifically but grow slowly. They survive by colonizing lava flows or fallen logs in forest gaps where other vegetation cannot compete” (Friday and Herbert). This article explores endemic and endangered Hawaiian plants by examining the ‘Ōhi‘a lehua tree, and its history and importance in Hawaiian culture.