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 ‘Ōhi‘a Lehua Forests and ROD

 ‘Ōhi‘a trees are the bedrock of Hawaiian forests. Not only do they provide watershed protection and are a specific critical habitat for many biota, but they are also a critical food source for endemic birds (Friday and Herbert). ‘Ōhi‘a forests grow on the six largest Hawaiian islands: the Big Island, Maui, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Oahu, and Kaua`i. They are a resilient species, tolerant of various conditions such as frost, volcanic gases, and extreme changes in moisture (Friday and Herbert). “ ‘Ōhi‘a trees seed prolifically but grow slowly. They survive by colonizing lava flows or fallen logs in forest gaps where other vegetation cannot compete” (Friday and Herbert). This article explores endemic and endangered Hawaiian plants by examining the ‘Ōhi‘a lehua tree, and its history and importance in Hawaiian culture.  

Removing Carbon From Our Atmosphere With Carbon Capture Technology

Climate change is a topic gaining more and more relevance as time goes on. This is because we have measured an increase in carbon within our atmosphere because of burning fossil fuels. Worldwide emissions of carbon dioxide “total about 34 billion tonnes per year. About 45% of this is from coal, about 35% from oil, and about 20% from gas” (World Nuclear Association). A way to mitigate this is by carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).

The Implications of a Carbon Tax in the US

Climate change is arguably the most relevant and impactful current event. Both its effects and countermeasures are felt globally, and many countries have begun implementing policies and goals in hopes of nullifying its impacts. Environmental catastrophes such as rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions are a direct result of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are on course to continue worsening if emissions don't dramatically decline.

The Impact of Fungal Disease: Economic, Food Safety, and Environmental

Are fungi a threat to society? Should we be worried about fungi? Fungi do pose a threat to society as fungal diseases can have negative impacts on human health and the economy. The economic burden of fungal diseases in the United States alone was estimated to be around $7.2 billion in 2017, with healthcare costs being a significant contributor. Fungal diseases can also have a negative impact on food safety, as they can lead to food spoilage and potential foodborne illnesses. Additionally, fungal diseases can cause plant leaf fungal disease, which can reduce crop production and lead to food insecurity. However, it is important to note that not all fungi have negative impacts. Many fungi have positive benefits, such as their use in food production, medicine, and bioremediation.

Beyond Wildfires: Unveiling the Impact of Saharan Dust Clouds on Air Quality

When we think of threats to air quality, our minds often turn to images of raging wildfires engulfing landscapes and billowing smoke into the atmosphere. While wildfires undoubtedly contribute to poor air quality, there’s another player in this complex game that deserves our attention: the annual Saharan dust clouds originating from the African coast between mid-June and mid-August. These massive dust clouds, though often overlooked, have a significant impact on air quality worldwide. “Dust storms and atmospheric dust processes have attracted societal attention for millennia. In ancient Korea, for example, dust events caused concern because they were considered as God’s punishment or a warning to the ruler.” (Knippertz & Stuut, 2014) In this article, we’ll delve into the intriguing phenomenon of Saharan dust clouds and their surprising influence on the air we breathe.

Why Our Cities Need More Trees: The Environmental and Social Benefits

Trees are an essential part of the natural world and play a vital role in our lives. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe and the wood we use for fuel and building materials. Trees also help to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen. In addition, trees provide a habitat for a wide variety of wildlife and are an essential food source for many animals. Trees can also have some social and psychological benefits. They can provide a sense of beauty and tranquility and serve as a gathering place for communities. Finally, trees can have economic benefits, increasing property values and making neighborhoods more attractive. Trees are an essential part of our environment and lives, and we should do everything we can to protect and preserve them.

Mitigating Climate Change: Powering a Net-Zero Future through Renewable Energy

Climate Change is Real— the sooner we realize it, the better our chances are of ensuring a better tomorrow for our forthcoming generations. Although, experts suggest many potential methods for mitigating Climate Change and its branching effects. Renewable or Non-Fossil Energy is one of the most prominent ways that promise a healthier tomorrow. So much so that “A Transition to Clean Energy,” Gloria Reuben admits, “is about making an investment in the future.”

The Challenges of Giving Up Fossil Fuels

Even if fossil fuels were not affecting our climate, fossil fuels are a finite resource and will eventually run out. If there is no alternative energy infrastructure in place, there will be a severe global struggle when they do run out. Fortunately, through renewable energy sources, we could avert such a global catastrophe while also ensuring a healthy future. However, given our current energy infrastructure is primarily fossil-fuel-based, and such a transition away from fossil fuels will take time, it is important to consider now what kind of new infrastructure we would need to convert to a renewable energy base.

The Challenges of Giving Up Fossil Fuels

Even if fossil fuels were not affecting our climate, fossil fuels are a finite resource and will eventually run out. If there is no alternative energy infrastructure in place, there will be a severe global struggle when they do run out. Fortunately, through renewable energy sources, we could avert such a global catastrophe while also ensuring a healthy future. However, given our current energy infrastructure is primarily fossil-fuel-based, and such a transition away from fossil fuels will take time, it is important to consider now what kind of new infrastructure we would need to convert to a renewable energy base.