The Supreme Court May Soon Overturn Affirmative Action

On October 31st, 2022, the Supreme Court heard arguments challenging the validity of race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. Two lawyers represented Students for Fair Admissions (the plaintiffs), while three lawyers represented the two universities (the defendants). Depending on the outcome, the court’s decision could drastically change college admissions soon. So, what is race-conscious affirmative action? How has the Supreme Court ruled on similar cases in the past, and what makes Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. University of North Carolina any different?

Can Democrats break the Historical Trend in the Midterms?

The trend shows that from the years 1934-2018, the President’s party has averaged a loss of 28 House seats and four Senate seats (Woolley, 2022). This average presents a considerable power shift and can make it more difficult for the ruling party to pass legislation in the second half of a four-year presidential term. The sitting President’s party has only gained seats in the House on three occasions and in the Senate on six (Woolley, 2022). This demonstrates the statistical unlikelihood of President Biden’s Democratic Party making gains or retaining the same number of seats it currently holds in the midterms. Biden will be hoping the Democratic Party can break the trend this year, but how are the midterms shaping up for the Democrats?

Neocolonialism in the Philippines

Popular media has characterized the relationship between the United States and the Philippines as a connection built on democracy, mutually beneficial trade, and shared cultural values. But this propagandized image conceals a violent colonial history and an exploitative socio-political-economic dynamic in the present day. For the purposes of this article, colonialism can be defined as one state engaging in direct political control of another society, while neocolonialism can be defined as the indirect political and economic influence of a state over another society without explicit control (Go, 2015). Though the Philippines is recognized as a sovereign state, the extensive military power and presence of the U.S., extractive economic practices, and socio-political disempowerment of the Filipino people in the Philippines itself speak to the survival of colonial features which perpetuate a neocolonial connection between the Philippines and the United States.

A Brief Introduction to the Semitic Languages

The purpose of this article is to present these languages, their history, and their significance. These languages are not mutually intelligible, meaning that they cannot be understood from one language to another without the aid of translation, though they share etymologies (Wood). Even within Arabic itself, there is tremendous diversity and issues of intelligibility. This results in a bright and vivid bouquet of languages.

How Giorgia Meloni’s Election Victory Fits the Nationalist Bill

Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s incoming Prime Minister, is a divisive figure in the arena of European politics. Her recent election victory in the wake of Mario Draghi’s resignation illuminated the underlying currents of frustration impacting the people of Italy. Her platform was based on a firebrand form of nationalism, espousing many of the tenets exemplified by the modern conservative nationalist. The Brothers of Italy party leader is anti-Europe, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia, anti-same-sex marriage, anti-multiculturalism, anti-mass migration, and an outspoken opponent of contemporary gender movements. Her support for the Great Replacement theory highlights an alarming sentiment of white nationalism spreading through the ranks of the Italian polity, but why was her message so resonant?

Causes and Solutions to Malnutrition

When we hear the word malnutrition, a lot of things come to mind. Malnutrition could be someone with anorexia, someone with a history of alcohol abuse, or someone with obesity. Malnutrition does not only apply to people who are underweight but also to people who are overweight. Sometimes there is this misunderstanding that malnutrition means a lack of food; this is not entirely true. Malnutrition is when you are not getting the proper amount of nutrients in your body. Ending malnutrition can be difficult to do because sometimes people are in denial; this creates huge health problems. A healthy person might say to someone who is overweight that they need to eat healthily and their response to that may be that they feel happy with how they look. This type of response could be a genuine response; perhaps they are happy not being skinny, but it could also mean that they are just not willing to be consistent in having a healthy eating plan. Observe people who are financially stable, people who are living in poverty, and people who suffer from alcohol abuse, they all need help with bettering their eating habits. Thus, the solution to malnutrition needs to address every form it comes in to be effective for everyone.

How To Stay Healthy This Fall: Health Tips For You And Your Family

It is that time of the year where we enjoy the crisp and cool air, colors, feelings, and magic of watching the falling leaves, amongst other fantastic fall season perks. However, it can also be a challenging time for our health. The change in season can disrupt routines and make us more susceptible to colds and flu. That's why it's advised to take some extra steps to stay healthy this fall season.

Plastic Surgery: Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is defined as having no confidence. It is when people feel like they are not enough and wish something about them would disappear. However, just because someone does not love something about themselves, it does not necessarily mean they feel worthless. A person can hate the way their nose looks or how their lips are thin and at the same time feel confident about themselves. So, does getting plastic surgery mean having low self-esteem? Does making changes to the body create confidence, or does it mean the person is insecure?

America's Attention Bias on Disaster (Copy)

At this moment in time, and indeed in history, the world that we all live in is a dangerous, chaotic place in so many ways. However, many Americans have their attention fixed on some tragedies as opposed to others. Stories of the Russian invasion into Ukraine, such as the siege and destruction of the city of Mariupol, have gripped the minds and hearts of many in the U.S. However, within this ocean of empathy for Ukraine, many Americans lose awareness of the multitude of disasters and loss of life occurring in other parts of the world at worst, and they devote less attention to them at best.