All tagged covid-19

Can The Cruise Lines Outlast Coronavirus?

As we press on into yet another week of quarantine and social distancing to combat the invisible enemy that is coronavirus (COVID-19), it continues to become more and more apparent that this sudden and startling contraction to our economy may not be followed by the V-Shaped recovery for which many optimists were hoping. Companies from almost every industry are being brought to the brink, some seemingly overnight. Restaurants are closing their doors, air travel has been heavily limited, and the very supply chains that drive logistics for the largest tech companies in the world are, at least for now, grinding to a halt as they seek ways to adapt to this “black swan event”. Fortunately, the $2 trillion stimulus bill passed just over 3 weeks ago, in tandem with aggressive monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, has offered some degree of relief for large and small businesses, as well as individuals alike. However, there is an industry, one with over $100 billion in total estimated economic impact, that has largely been overlooked by these fiscal and monetary policies, while also being positioned as perhaps the most vulnerable of all to coronavirus impacts: The Cruise Industry.