All tagged Morality

Confronting the Stolen Land Narrative

In the United States, the term “stolen land” is often used to describe the unjust colonization of the Americas by Europeans at the expense of indigenous tribes. This outlook on history implies that the land was the rightful property of the native peoples as an ethnic group, and that it was occupied by Europeans in an immoral way. 

Why the use of fetal cell lines shouldn’t stop you from taking the COVID-19 vaccine

I want you to reflect back to the time when you found out you were allowed to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Did you feel relief knowing that you would be just a little bit safer from this awful pandemic? Or did you feel dread because you knew you had to choose whether you should take the vaccine or not? I can imagine that the vast majority of you probably felt relief seeing as [as of October 23rd, 2021] 57.2% [1] of the total US population is fully vaccinated. Despite being the majority, there is still a vast population of the US that is still not vaccinated. This may seem reprehensible to you, or you may be the person who is still trying to decide whether to be vaccinated or not. In any case, I think it is important to take the time to consider why making that leap might be very easy for some and unbelievably difficult for others.