All tagged El Salvador

El Salvador: Land of Volcanoes, and… Crypto?

For many, the roots of economic disadvantage among countries are related to not being able to have a currency that is strong in the international markets. In modern times the American dollar is the prime currency used around the world for international trade and even as a store of value for people who distrust their local currencies. Latin America has been at the mercy of the dollar many times throughout modern history. The 80s are known in Latin America as the “Lost decade” or “La decada perdida”. Many Latin American countries suffered a severe crisis due to the first OPEC-Related rise in oil prices in 1973. A second increase in the price of oil in 1979 and the U.S Fed driving up interest rates caused many Latin American countries to end up with large current account deficits and accumulated foreign debt (Frenkel, R., & Rapetti, M). El Salvador seems to be trying to break the circle of dollar dependency by switching to Bitcoin. But it could be just a reaction due to the U.S pulling resources from El Salvador due to the fear from U.S lawmakers of President Bukele going towards an authoritarian path.