All tagged Technology

The Protecting Kids on Social Media Act and Age Verification

In an era of political polarization, a group of senators has joined forces in an effort to protect children online. As technology continues to advance and the digital world becomes increasingly pervasive in our lives, protecting our youngest users has become a priority for lawmakers. In response to increasing concerns over the influence social media has on children, four senators have proposed the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act of 2023. If this bill is passed, children under the age of 13 would be prohibited from using social media platforms unless their guardian provides consent. However, the efficacy of age verification is still a significant problem. The efficacy of age verification, or lack thereof, leads to questions from the opposition over the bill’s ability to protect our younger users from the dangers of social media. 

Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is the practice of designing a product with a limited useful lifespan so that it will become outdated or unusable after a certain period of time. This is typically done in order to encourage consumers to replace their existing products with new ones, thus driving demand and sales. Planned obsolescence can be seen in various products, including automobiles, appliances, and consumer electronics. It is often criticized for contributing to waste and consumerism, as it encourages the frequent replacement of still-functioning products. Kramer in “User Experience in the Age of Sustainability” calls it “the expiration date effect”

Brain Control Interfaces: What Are They?

Science fiction is littered with far-fetched characters like cyborgs, androids, terminators, daleks, and cybermen. These impossible creatures are a blending of man and machine in perfect harmony with things such as cybernetic arms and enhanced intelligence and strength. That future might be here sooner than you think, albeit minus the Hollywood exaggeration of mayhem and destruction (we hope). Brain control interfaces (BCIs) are defined as devices that, “acquire brain signals, analyze them, and translate them into commands that are relayed to output devices that carry out desired actions.” (1) Long story short, BCIs are the key piece of technology that helps man bind to machine. They act as the middleman between your brain and the machine you wish to control. Think of them as a translator. Your brain only speaks in neural impulses, and machines only understand binary. BCIs help convert your neural impulses into binary data and vice versa. These devices have been used for a variety of purposes, ranging from, “complex control of cursors, robotic arms, prostheses, wheelchairs, and other devices.” (1) In recent years, there have been amazing breakthroughs in the development of these BCIs.

Technology's Impact on Business

As society emerges into a period of scientific acceleration, the business world prevails. The definition of business has evolved from strictly physical commerce to an ambiguous construct. Many companies have taken advantage of this opportunity, especially those coming out of the scientific sector. In a dynamic world of unknown challenges and heightened curiosity, companies like Surfacide are on the frontlines of Corporate America’s newest endeavors.