All tagged Happiness

Why is the Nordic Region so Happy?

Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland. They are among some of the coldest countries in the world, so it is a wonder that these nations host some of the happiest people. Why is this? Is it their healthcare? Their music? The food? Maybe even the culture. One would be surprised to find out that it is in fact none of these factors. Instead, the answer lies in the progressive Nordic democracy and complex social systems that make the Nordic countries a model for citizens’ happiness. 

Plastic Surgery: Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is defined as having no confidence. It is when people feel like they are not enough and wish something about them would disappear. However, just because someone does not love something about themselves, it does not necessarily mean they feel worthless. A person can hate the way their nose looks or how their lips are thin and at the same time feel confident about themselves. So, does getting plastic surgery mean having low self-esteem? Does making changes to the body create confidence, or does it mean the person is insecure?