All tagged Cities

Unpacking Urban Segregation in Latin America: A Comparative Study of Guatemala City and Buenos Aires

The concept of "living" is a multifaceted topic that has intrigued scholars in the field of social sciences, prompting reflections on the intricate relationship between nature, culture, and human society. Diverse perspectives exist on the concept of "living," ranging from the anthropological emphasis on movement to geographical considerations of space as repositories of historical social issues. Sociologists delve into how individuals appropriate and occupy space in ways that vary across social classes, shedding light on how social differences manifest in physical spaces. This article explores Latin American living, with a focus on Argentina (the outskirts of Buenos Aires) and Guatemala City, two culturally diverse and unequal regions where social and cultural differences are reflected in urban spaces. Security is a paramount concern in Latin American cities, where high crime rates and violence have led residents, particularly the middle and upper classes, to adopt various strategies to prioritize security and privacy in their urban living arrangements.

Why Our Cities Need More Trees: The Environmental and Social Benefits

Trees are an essential part of the natural world and play a vital role in our lives. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe and the wood we use for fuel and building materials. Trees also help to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen. In addition, trees provide a habitat for a wide variety of wildlife and are an essential food source for many animals. Trees can also have some social and psychological benefits. They can provide a sense of beauty and tranquility and serve as a gathering place for communities. Finally, trees can have economic benefits, increasing property values and making neighborhoods more attractive. Trees are an essential part of our environment and lives, and we should do everything we can to protect and preserve them.